Thread: Making Yogurt
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Old February 16, 2012   #41
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Michigan Zone 4b
Posts: 1,291

I make lots of yogurt from goats milk. I use a store bought organic yogurt starter/culture to add, and pour into quart mason jars, put into a large crock pot set on low, for about 8-12 hours.. Sometimes in summer, I will fill a bucket with very warm temp water, set in the mason jars of yogurt, and stick bucket in my GH all day, then in evening, I will gently strain it, then it is ready to put in fridge to chill. It is not as thick as the store bought, a little thinner..But I like it that way.

I have made the thicker yogurt using powdered milk before, but didnt like the taste as well.

As a side note I have tried to add fresh lemon juice to mine before and it ended up curdling my yogurt..I think it is best to add afterwards..

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