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Old February 14, 2012   #15
Boutique Tomatoes
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Originally Posted by tjg911 View Post
oh something important i forgot to mention is that i don't eat meat. it seems that hot peppers and super hots are used for sauces and rubs for meat. take that (meat) out of the equation and i have less things to use hot peppers on.

and i want marktutt to understand how much i appreciated him sending me a box of super hot peppers last summer. so mark please don't think i am unappreciative of that based upon my conclusion that i pretty much don't want these things in my life. in fact it was great to try so many different wickedly hot peppers without having to grow a plant for each variety. this ability to taste so many resolved the fact that while i might grow 1 or 2 super hots there is no need to grow many each year. so you have saved me a lot of garden space that i can use for the hot peppers i do like vs tying up space and saying what the heck do i do with 150+ peppers off each of the 10 plants!

Not at all. I sent out a lot of gift boxes last year for people to try them, and I strongly suspect the majority of them will not be growing any. For me with last year's bumper crop it was like they were zucchini, after I had the freezer half full of peppers and my hands were blistering from seeding them, anyone who asked about them got some. I also gave away a lot of seeds, and I'm curious to see what people think who have never tried anything in the superhot class.

The superhots are kind of like skydiving, for most people it's insane; for a small percentage it's a 'Ok, I did it, don't need to repeat it'. Then there are the rush junkies.

Last edited by Boutique Tomatoes; February 14, 2012 at 09:40 PM. Reason: Spelling
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