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Old February 14, 2012   #11
Petronius_II's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Albuquerque, NM - Zone 7a
Posts: 209

it [Dave's Insanity Sauce] is listed at 180k shu but imo it is WAY hotter than the super hot peppers i was eating this summer.
No way in hell is that product a mere 180k Scoville units.

(Who am I kidding? The voles have taken over. Where do you get those peppers again? I'll try anything!)
As an educated guess, I'd say plain old habaneros of one of the hotter types are prolly sufficient for getting down and dirty with the nasty little voles and messing with their minds. They're currently rather easier to find than superhots like Trinidad Scorpion, less expensive, and in many cases somewhat easier to grow.

This habanero variety is fairly easy to grow and did pretty well in the meetinghouse garden last year. First pepper to start producing after the heat wave cooled down a bit, and quite productive. Started fruiting too late to get viable seed, though, we had to pick them unripe. Cayenne, not so productive in the same row. Lipstick sweet pepper, not productive at all. The heat wave ruined Lipstick's chances. It's even just barely mild enough to show some real potential for actual cooking:

(Probably better places than Gurney's to get HPL seeds but that's who we used.)

...But if you think a superhot is really what you're going to need to defeat the voles, Ebay isn't a bad place to look at all. This dealer has some fairly good deals on seed/sauce combos, or sauce alone:
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