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Old February 12, 2012   #8
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Location: Louisville, KY
Posts: 75

Originally Posted by rnewste View Post

I have now cut back the "On-time" from the original 12 hours - - to now 8 hours per day. The 3 lamps provide a pretty even lighting pattern over the 2 trays.


I normally put the plants outside in mid-March - - but this year with our temps running 5 to 15 degrees above historical normals, I am now aiming to plant out on March 1. I have two sets of back-up plants growing now, in case we get hit with a hard freeze. "Belt and Suspenders", so to speak...


I'm with you on the 'Belt and Suspenders' approach -- I always have back-ups as well. In my case, I get my seedlings hardened off as soon as weather permits, and keep them outside as much as possible. I'm usually able to accomplish this around the time the plants are ready for their first potting up (first or second set of true leaves).

I figure hardening off is one of the few steps where something can really go wrong, and if it does, I'd rather have it happen sooner rather than later. This also avoids the need for anything beyond a shop light or two to get things started.

With your relatively mild climate, I thought you'd be able to do the same. On the other hand, you've got about twice as many plants as me (not counting things other than tomatoes), so it would be that much more of a pain to haul everything in and out each day. It's quality time spent with them, though!
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