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Old August 15, 2006   #7
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Phoenix, AZ (zone 9b)
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Try sowing the seeds more shallowly. Many times, this is the problem.
Yeah - I generally try to watch my seed depth carefully, but with the move and everything being so new here, I've been a little lax and just tried to 'get it done' so to speak.. some seeds went in at odd depths.

As far as seed-starting medium.. I've been using pretty much the same thing I have always used in the past with good luck - Plain old Walmart potting mix. In the past, if I got it moistened up right and put it in the starting trays right, I was getting 90 to 100% germination on just about everything. Again, I think being in somewhat of a rush to get things going might have contributed to some compaction, as I've noticed a few containers seem pretty solid.

As far as heat - I've been trying something a little different this time, since I've got a house now, and a garage with it. I've been getting the seeds sown in the containers, left them inside in the laundry room cabinet for a day or so, then put them outside in the garage overnight. When I first started out, I wasn't getting much germination, then I put one of the trays in the garage overnight, and the next day... POW!!! Tons of little sprouts.

I think on one of the trays though, I forgot to take them in one day and they might have cooked a tiny bit.

Also, it appears 2 of my seedlings may be on their way out.. One of the Brandywines, and the only Zelinda's Pink Pear.. the little cotyledons have shriveled up and gone dry... dead, huh?

Now.. on to the good news...

I have 3 eggplant sprouts.. just went and checked tonight and I've got 3 good ones up, and what appears to be a 4th. What luck! Oh yeah, these are Black Beauty.

Also, I forgot to mention earlier.. I have a mango sprout that's about 4 days old Odd looking thing too. Has anyone else ever tried growing a mango from a pit?
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