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Old August 14, 2006   #4
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Location: Phoenix, AZ (zone 9b)
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Alas, the BBH seeds have not germinated.. I'm quite saddened by this one..

I have sown an extra two of the seeds in the hopes that at least one of them will pop up, but so far, nothing

At this point, the ones that HAVE germinated are:

Livingston's Favorite (1)
Pineapple (1)
Mortgage Lifter (1)
Super Marmande (3)
Delicious (3)
Black Krim (1)
Green Zebra (1)
Tiny Tim (2)
Zelinda's Pink Pear (1)
"Pepper" Grape (1)
Celebrity F2 (2) - For curiosity sake
Nature Sweet F2 (4) - For curiosity sake
Early Girl F1 (5) - Finishing off an old pack of seed
Golden Jubilee (12)
Brandywine (13)

..and Peppers:
Habanero (3)
Sigaretto Di Bergamo (1)
Orange Toro (2)
Cayenne Long Thin (2)

Why so many Jubilee and Brandywine? I am having a garage sale in a few weeks and I am hoping to sell some of the extras to help pay for the costs of the new raised beds, etc.. I expect to sell 10 each of these two, plus a couple of the Early Girls, and maybe a Habanero. 8)

The ones that have not yet sprouted:

Brad's Black Heart
Aunt Ruby's German Green
Rouge De Marmande
Black Cherry
Green Giant
Seed from a very flat, very fluted, RL 'brandywine'
..and a couple others I can't remember at this point in time. this point, I'm very happy to have the seedlings that HAVE sprouted, as this will be the biggest garden, BY FAR, that I've ever had. Granted, some are kind of 'everyday vanilla' but I can't complain. I've got most colors represented here and a pretty good mix of flavor. I have, at this point, approximately 30 tomato plants and about 8 or so peppers plants to go into the raised beds - to me, that's a good number, and a massive increase over previous years.

I'm thinking I MAY try to start a few more seed sometime this week, but I haven't decided yet. I suppose it will depend on what sprouts up within the next few days..

...any suggestions?

- Eric
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