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Old December 13, 2011   #19
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: American Fork, Utah
Posts: 160

Regrettably, my website is not really ready for "going public", but it is set up for taking orders, mostly in a round-about way, if people have an interest in the varieties listed.

I envision more than 400 web pages with pics, detailed descriptions, multiple photos, videos, essays, etc. - much more than just selling tomato seeds. This will take some time, especially since it's my first attempt at website design. Lots of late nights of late...

Anyway, the ABOUT page might be of interest, particularly the Credits section at the bottom:

Clearly from the list of varieties, my interest is not limited to big tomatoes (I only pruned and thinned 3 of 420 tomato plants to produce GIANT tomatoes in 2011), but that's what's motivational and fun to me.

If I had a choice of picking and processing one Da Costa's Portuguese (or Virginia Sweets, Belmonte, Richardson, etc.) or 1,000 itty bitty Sara's Galapagos', I would pick the big, delicious heirloom every time (well, almost every time - I LOVE Sara's Galapagos, I just go bonkers trying to harvest them ).

I'm just thrilled and grateful that there are so many sizes, shapes, colors and flavors to try - thanks to so many dedicated growers over the generations!

Best of luck, nangisha, in growing some BIG ones in 2012 - or little ones or anything in between!
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