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Old December 12, 2011   #39
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I am happy to agree with Carolyn in this, not the least of which is because I now have her benediction in continuing my lazy, dirty ways.

Unless you have previously had some kind of disease in your seedling trays, I don't really see the value of sterilizing them. I've never had serious problems in my trays, or after the first potting up -- all my diseases arrive out in the garden during mid-summer humidity. I say "serious" - because some wispy's will always get CRUD as small plants under lights, regardless of using new cells or not, and they outgrow it as soon as they are planted outside.

I buy Metro Mix or ReadiEarth seed starter mix, but I have open bags of the stuff laying around all year. I don't think you can really call the stuff truly sterile when air borne particles can hop in at will. And there's no way I'm going to boil water or microwave or oven cook the stuff before using it.

Plants evolved living in dirt and growing in rotted material. It makes sense that there are germs and bacteria everywhere in the natural environment. I know you can't directly compare human antibodies with plants, but might it theoretically be possible that a sterile environment without exposure to minute amounts of bacteria/spores/etc while young, might harm disease resisting capabilities in mature plants?

I think everyone should do as feels right to them. If you are a clean freak and would worry if you didn't bleach, then for sure you should bleach. If I actually had experienced disease problems with certain trays or pots, then yes, I would either bleach or discard them.

I think advertising in our culture is training us to be obsessive about germs in our homes and surroundings beyond a reasonable level. Some researchers think there is a link between too much cleanliness and the huge rise in allergies in children. Plants are meant to thrive in dirty ol' dirt, with all it's rotted down organic matter and who knows what all kind of germy spores are in there. They might as well get used to it as babies!

I guess that makes me a mean mother ...

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