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Old December 12, 2011   #38
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Homestead,Everglades City Fl.
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Originally Posted by tjg911 View Post
thanks carolyn.

yes, i knew that LB isn't supposed to over winter on cages and stakes but i was so concerned i figured it couldn't hurt so i started to spray them. i will be very happy to not do it this year since it does not sound like it is of any real value re LB or anything else we have here.

now my real concern was the 6 packs and yogurt cups and 1/2 gallon pots that seedlings are in. these are taken to the garden and are placed on the ground. my assumption was they were capable of transmitting something, anything (?), when those planters were used again and they are over and over as i have successive plantings of many different vegetables from spring thru mid summer. since i use promix and it is sterilized i figured why risk diseases from the ground when those planters are placed on the ground and then tossed aside as they are emptied and blown around by the wind, it seemed like a lot of contact with the soil especially since i continue to seed other things using them again and again. so i will be more than happy to not go thru the rigmarole come late august of washing all these containers.

Kurt here.My thinking is when I stack the pots in each other thats when the problem might start.Moisture can gather in the stack.After the season all my rootballs are shaken off into a wheel barrow and scattered on the sod.I will nuke them then and again before transplant.So far I have not had any reoccurrence of the problems when I first started.Also getting a good seed source from the start helps.I will not save any seeds from any weak or infected looking plants,So far for the last 5 years have not bought any more seeds just sticking to my main producers and happy with that.Tried to grow too many varietys over the years any found out it takes time for plants(varietys) to acclimize to my enviorment down here in South Florida(land race?)Some of the diseases found out are transplanted in the actual seed as C137 mentioned in other posts.For instance I quit growing the larger determinate exotic maters I keep seeing and drooing over.Just Imagine today we are supposed to get 80-85 degrees in temperature,humidity at 60-70,no bees,no butterflys,a real pain the butt to create a good enviorment down here.Imagine I take my vacations in the winter and go to Colorado or somewhere to get away from this heat and humidity while the northeners flock here to Miami,Go figure.Have fun and good luck growing.
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