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Old December 5, 2011   #22
Neohippie's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: San Marcos, Texas
Posts: 77

I don't like throwing away seeds either. I just finished using up my packet of Bloody Butcher, even though I thought it sucked. When I grow a variety I don't like, I put it on a "do not save seed" list, but don't throw the rest of the packet away, I go ahead and use it up.

Though sometimes I can get rid of those through online seed trades. I always keep in mind that it might work better for someone else living in a different climate or with different taste in tomatoes.

I like the idea someone had about planting seedlings out in the woods. I have a vacant lot right across the street from my house. That might be an ok place for me to stick some seedlings out to fend for themselves! If nothing else, the deer might appreciate it.

But I usually try to find people to give them away to. The problem is I don't have a lot of gardening friends. Last year I gave some extra seedlings to my in-laws and one friend who had just bought a house and was putting in a garden, but neither of them had room for much.

I just found out the local Catholic church has a community garden behind it. Maybe next spring I'll dump my extras there.
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