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Old November 29, 2011   #54
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Woodville, Texas
Posts: 520

You say that organically grown crops are becoming big time where you are, but that's not true where I am. At first everyone who did small scale farming wanted to go the organic route with the belief that they could get a premium price, but that's not what happened.

That really surprises me. Most of my info is, however, out-of-date - based mostly on a life experiences from the past. Due to advancing age, something that happened 20 yrs ago often seems like last year.

I would expect, though, that the recession is having some impact on this. Some of those young suburban families have had to tighten their budgets and eliminated some luxuries. Heirloom, vine-ripened Brandywine tomatoes, along with the matching BMW's, is certainly a luxury by anyone's standard.

Where we are there is no demand for organic, other than an occasional person passing through who stops at our stand. Healthy eating habits are correlated with education and income, both of which are lacking in rural Texas.

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