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Old November 27, 2011   #11
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: San Diego Coastal - Zone 10b
Posts: 204

I am not able to use bleach - I have this itsy bitsy issue with throat closes and breathing gets difficult within moments of exposure. Is there anything else that will work for sterilizing that won't necessitate my using an epi pen and taking a trip to the emergency room?

I need to figure out something, not just for seedlings but for plastic sprout jars too - my last few sprout crops have died an early death - I think the containers are contaminated with something that hot water and dish soap won't cure, and I sure don't want that to happen with my seedlings next year (I was using all new this year as well since my old stuff got thrashed in a move).

If I'm going to water and care for a plant it had better give me food, flowers or shade.
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