Thread: Striped German?
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Old October 7, 2011   #5
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It seems as though the large gold/red bicolors origininated in Germany or close by and were initially brought to this country by immigrant families.

And they've always been most prevalent in the SE and there are probably over 200 of them named and the general name of Candystripe is used for many of them not named.

My brother moved to NC several years ago and knowing my interest in heirloom varieties told me that his neighbor down the road had been growing one for a very long time and said his father before him had also grown it. But I politely declined my brother's offer to get seeds for me b'c I've already grown my share of those bicolors.

I'll lose this psot if I go back to read the link to Tania's page but my memory says that Johnny's first offered German Striped many years ago, or maybe not, as my memory goes, which it does from time to time.
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