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Old February 13, 2006   #1
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: New Orleans, LA
Posts: 27
Default Thrips, Mealybugs and Leafminers - Any Advice?

I have had problems every year with thrips, mealybugs and leafminers. The aphids and spidermites have been controlled (I finally got a proper hose on my balcony), but I'm not having much luck controlling the others.

I'm growing in containers, and will be planting tomatoes, bell peppers, basil, thyme, mint, sage, dill, chives, tarragon (hopefully), oregano, and rosemary. I also have a couple citrus and fig trees.

Is there anything I can do to the soil itself to maybe prevent the bugs returning this year?

I'm interested in companion planting as well, and if something like nasturtiums, borage or alyssum will prevent these bugs from establishing themselves (or host predatory "good bugs"), I'm hip to that.

I would prefer to not douse my plants in insecticides. If there's a mild or organic option, that would be ideal.

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