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Old August 24, 2011   #11
Ispahan's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Chicago
Posts: 46

First of all, thank you so much to those who have responded! I have a lot of wonderful new varieties to research.

Because I had the day off today, I went to one of the larger farmers markets here in Chicago (Green City Market) and was able to see fruits of many different pink varieties. This is a very sad tomato year overall in these parts, with the majority of tomatoes catfaced, blemished, sunscalded and tasting pretty bland and watered down. They had tasting samples of many different varieties, but you know things are in bad shape when Cherokee Purple (usually one of my favorites) tasted exactly like Brandywine and Green Zebra! Of course, the Sungolds they were offering were not even half as tasty as those from my garden, so the lack of taste could partly be culture-related as well.

*But* in spite of the flavor disappointments, I was able to sample several pinks like Marianna's Peace, Crnkovic Yugoslavian, Aunt Ginny's Purple, Brandywine (pink but unknown strain), Caspian Pink, and Eva Purple Ball. Flavor was shockingly bland and watery for all except one: Eva Purple Ball! It was by far the tastiest and zippiest tomato I have had this year, with a wonderful, rich sweetness on the surface and a good tomato tang underneath.

Eva Purple Ball is still little smaller than I would like, but I might have to move it up just a notch on my list! :-)
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