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Old August 18, 2011   #60
z_willus_d's Avatar
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Kath, wow, morning to night and no canning just cleaning. That sounds far more arduous than my experiences. I do have a nice wooden cutting board to stabilize the mil. I can't image the annoyance of having the catch bowl splash up everytime you turn a heavy crank. In my time, I only removed the regular tomato screen once to clean while processing enough mater for 4 quarts of tomato paste. I then used a pumpkin screen, which seemed a bit easier, though it let many of the tomato seeds slip into the mix. I will say that the milling aspect of this process was by far the hardest for me and most surprising at that. I expected the mill portion to take far less time and result in far less brow dripping than it did. I think I braced my resulting sauce with more than a few drops of sweat, between the heated, steamy kitchen and all that cranking. I will say, my second attempt was easier, so maybe there is an element of experience to the process, and/or perhaps the machine "breaks in" a bit with use. Good luck with your canning, and let us know how the result tastes and how many jars of what size you end up with.
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