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Old August 7, 2011   #23
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I have lots of squirrels around here. They get into the bird feeders and come to the birdbath every day to drink but they don't bother the tomatoes.


Same with me bcday. Half the bird seed I order delivered from Agway goes to the squirrels, both gray and red ones and the chippes eat what's been knocked to the deck by the birds and squirrels from the ninefeeders hanging from the overhand and two on the deck railing.

A brook runs by my home so no problem with water.

And I have a herd of about 12-015 deer and they don't bother my tomatoes either.

Cleo, maybe I have some genetically smarter squirrels here so if you want to drive over from MA and trap some and take them home and let them breed with your somewhat dumber ones, or would they be the smarter ones. you're more than welcome.

Heck, on a slow day I can watch the red and gray ones fight each other or it can be reds vs reds and the wee red ones always seem to win. Seldom do I see a real fight between grays.

That's the good news for today, good vs bad squirrels, reds and grays, and around here the stew is made by others but I haven't eaten it yet and probably won't.
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