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Old August 7, 2011   #21
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Sharon, MA Zone 6
Posts: 225

OK, I don't mean to be ignorant, but can someone tell me what a pellet rifle is capable of? Does this kill the squirrel? I couldn't do that, much as I am angry about the fruit damage. (That being said, I am a pretty good shot and would be happy to give the little buggers a sting on their behind to deter them.)

But the bigger problem that I have never actually seen the damage being done, only the aftermath. Which is not to say that it is happening at night. And I work at home and frequently go outside during the day to "smooch my tomatoes" as my husband says, but somehow the squirrels are doing it when I am not looking.

This morning I went out to see several more Granny Cantrell's half eaten on the ground - but one big one that I had bagged had started to blush and was untouched!!! I was practically giddy with happiness as I picked it in victory. Not that I think the bagging helps all that much - I think I got lucky.

My next effort, when it stops raining, is to put a low bowl of water out just in case the "squirrels are thirsty" theory has some legs. Not that there isn't a bird bath six feet away, but why make them walk the distance and have to hop up three feet?

Does anyone think the hanging CDs idea works? I've heard that for birds and maybe deer, but I'm guessing that squirrels would be like, "Hey, Nora Jones, that's a good album" and then munch on a Red Penna while mulling it over.
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