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Old July 29, 2011   #50
raindrops27's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: long island
Posts: 327

Wendy, I have a question. How big do you potatoes grow. In a set up like you have. It looks like a small space. If I am counting correctly for 20+ potato spuds. I am thinking, of trying your set up next season. But, I like big potatoes. Can, I grow them like you have, and still harvest big potatoes?

I cannot wait for next season to come, really. Oh, and Wendy, since you know so much about potatoes. Is there a white potato that has a bit of sweetness, that can be used for fries, and or baking? Reason why I ask, I tasted a batch of "nathan'" fries, and they had a hint of sweetness to the potato. I am looking for a potato like that, and a blue round, I can use to for baking, salad, fries etc. A fingerling blue, white, or red, for roasting. A good reliable russet. And, anything else. That you would suggest to me. I want to be fully prepared for next season. Thanks Wendy.
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