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Old June 10, 2011   #28
desertlzbn's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Tucson
Posts: 659

I am having a HUGE problem with my leaves drying up on my plants, I have no Idea what to do. it starts from the bottom up, and the leaves turn yellow then brown then just shrivel up and are just dry. Some of the leaves are green and just shrivel up. I am just at the end of my rope. Two years ago I had a VERY productive green bunch of tomatoes and last year and this year it is just very frustrating not to know what is wrong and what to do about it.
The other problem is my plants are all very stunted. I planted out March 1st and most of my plants are no taller than 24-36 inches. I really worked a bunch of manure and compost in my soil this year too.
I just don't know what to do.
I feel like I know all this stuff about tomatoes, the different varieties, different diseases, fertilizer and composting, but don't know what is wrong with MY plants.
I keep hearing about how if your soil is healthy your plants will be healthy, I have amended my soil like crazy and in one bed planted in PURE compost, but still to no avail, my plants still look like crap.
I could just cry!
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