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Old June 6, 2011   #1
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Default EarthTainer Cage Extension - - For The Cage Extension - Yikes! (pics)

Just when I thought I was "done" for the Season, wouldn't you know it but the dumb tomato plants are outgrowing their cages! I had figured with the new "Convertible" cage system, that 60 inches would be more than enough to house most of the Varieties - - but NOOOO! They have a mind of their own:

So here it is, the first week in June and I've got to make a decision. "Top the plants, or do something else". So I said to myself: "Self, you can't just start cutting off the tops of these plants this early in the Season".

So, out comes the Sabre Saw, and I take new 32 inch cages and Whack them down the middle to form two 16 inch extension cages:

If you cut them above the second horizontal rung, they divide in half pretty nicely:

While adding a 15 inch extension to the base and existing cage extension doesn't sound like a lot, going from 60 inches to now 75 inches is a 25% increase in height and volume:

So now, I *think* I am done for the Season - - but there will likely be something that unexpectedly crops up next week....

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