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Old June 4, 2011   #9
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: PNW
Posts: 4,743

You can grow Fireworks II in 7-gal pot. It typically will not get as big as
in the ground, has more susceptibility to BER (moisture levels need to
stay fairly consistent, besides having calcium in the soil in soluble form),
but it will not overgrow a pot that size.

It is just a lot of work monitoring water levels in those small pots. I do not
mind when I am growing out F-{2,3,4,5} hybrids, because BER is not such
a big issue. If I get a couple of fruit to taste and an idea of how many
the plant produces, how it grows, etc, the non-collapsed part of BER fruit
can still be used for seed-saving if necessary to propagate a good

They are ok for smaller determinates that only get to 2-3' height, or
tree-type dwarves, and similar, too. A big indeterminate uses a lot of
water, though, fertilizer leaches out of the container mix faster, etc.

A tomato plant in the ground fills a 3'x3'x3' volume with roots. That is
my benchmark.
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