Thread: Fruit Orchard
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Old May 24, 2011   #4
Worth1's Avatar
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These two trees would be great for apples... my question would be will they cross pollinate, or would I need two of the fujis?

Apples need a pollinator from a different source.

Something like Red Delicious would use Yellow Delicious as the pollinator.

Varieties for Fugi are Rome, Braeburn, Gala, Granny Smith, Red Delicious and Empire.

What you need to look for is a different variety that blooms the same time the apple you want will.

You also have to look and see if you can grow Fugi in your climate.
Apples and other fruit trees require a certain amount of chill hours to bloom.
If you plant a variety that has too short a chill hour time then if you have a warm spell it will bloom and then frost will kill the blooms thusly no fruit.

All you will get is a pretty tree to look at that summer.

In Texas where I live we dont have long enough chill hours for many fruit trees to bloom.

The agricultural extension or the university in Indiana will have a web sit that will give you a lot of information.

From what I have seen just about any apple you wanted would do well there.


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