Thread: J&L Gardens
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Old May 17, 2011   #10
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Espanola, New Mexico
Posts: 606

hi people -

I had no idea anyone here had discovered my site. (thanks, Carolyn, for alerting me!) J&L must be the smallest seed company on the planet. As you may know, Jan and I grow for the local markets and I keep a number of varieties and have bred a few of my own. Each year I save seed from whatever grew well and was popular.

Lee's Sweet is a cross with the Chianti Rose I got from Solana. I also have some lines going from Sungold and those have segregated wildly. They all have the distinctive fragrance and are named Ambrosia.

The blue crosses and selected lines don't show the same amount of variation because I need small salad tomatoes for market and haven't been as adventurous as frogsleap and some others on the Crosstalk thread. I used an older photo I had which is representative, but obviously need to change it. The picture is accurate as far as size, color and plant go. All the photos of varieties on our farm web page and elsewhere are my own, except the elusive Chinese Red Noodle Bean.

Anyway, I'm sorry about any confusion. It is incredibly important that we provide clear information because the historical record is already muddied enough and there is no excuse for sloppiness.

If you visit our area, try and catch us at the farmers market in Santa Fe or Los Alamos. I'm also happy to send samples of anything I have to folks here at T'ville. There's a spreadsheet on the main farm page listing the varieties I have in stock and some brief notes on characteristics and culture.

This year I'm working on l. hirsutum crosses - chasing down some traits found in wild relatives of the tomato and growing some of Tom's potatoes from true seed. And I'm looking forward to the summer - only eight days in the semester left for this high school teacher!

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