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Old May 16, 2011   #2
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Central Ohio
Posts: 741

Thought about it but have ruled it out so far, due to liability issues of having people on the property, and the fact that children (even my own) sometimes pull out whole plants instead of picking the fruit, or trample them. I pick everything and put it at a stand at the end of the driveway that is usually on the honor system. People only pull into the end of the driveway, take what they want and put cash in the box. Anything left I donate to the church food pantry. That way people aren't running all over my property driving the animals (and me) nuts, any damage is my own stupid fault, and I can leave the stand unattended if I have to run out or am just plain old busy. If people have such poor character that they steal produce or plants (I've had mums stolen, so you know it wasn't because anyone was hungry) I don't get in a huff over it, just figure what goes around comes around and I only sell what is above and beyond what my own family can use anyway so nothing is really lost in my view. Oh, and lets not forget all those folks who might need to "use the bathroom" while they are picking. I don't want strangers in my home, or to rent a port a john, and what heartless person is going to tell a mom with a 3 year old they can't use the bathroom? So I just avoid the whole thing, for now at least, with a stand at the end of the driveway.
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