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Old May 10, 2011   #34
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: western Colorado zone 5
Posts: 307

Jack, why would I want to spray the tomatoes to start with? I did have some corn worms in the tomato one year. Made black holes in some. Yes, corn ear worms do get into tomatoes. We did not have horn tomato worms. Maybe I would find a total of two a year. Curly Top Virus there is no spray for it and the flea hopper bites the plant and it has had it. They do not stay. I have never seen one but know what they are and I know what the plant looks like that gets it. I have researched it all I can. Back yard gardeners get hit too. Those flea hoppers come in from AR,NM, and maybe Utah. Come in on the wind and are gone. There area few varieties of tomatoes the bug do not like. Can't get seed to try. And the greenhouse one had seed they were going to grow for plants to sell. No seed to sell and it was cherry. Peron the seed cats sell is suppose to be bug resistant.

One year I bought Black Cherry seed. Did not germinate good and the plants never made it. Next year I planted the other half of the package and they germinated good and grew and had lots to sell.

It seems they put corn and soybean oil in so many things. I am trying to keep it out of my diet.

When buy seed I do expect it to be fresh seed. My OP's I try to keep a good 2 year supply in case of crop failure. Just for me. I try to save the seed I can.
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