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Old April 25, 2011   #45
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: 5a - NE Iowa
Posts: 416

I have decide this is the year I am growing Brussel Sprouts. I have seed for Long Island Improved and Roodnerf.

I would like a some more information on the red varieties and their flavor compared to the greens. I might have to make a seed order from some

Here in Iowa I plan on starting them from seed in early July and transplanting them in late August. Harvesting them in November after some frosts and hopefully not out of the snow.

I read somewhere you can dig up the plant with some dirt around the roots and if you store them in a cold place that they will last longer. I plan on planting 15 - 20 plants and will not be able to use them fast enough, thus I will be trying that method.

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