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Old April 25, 2011   #4
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Aiken, SC
Posts: 15

Well 90% of the crookneck and straightneck that I planted have shriveled up to almost nothing. A few began setting blooms before they put on any more leaves and they had not grown a single inch since planting almost 4 weeks ago.

So I have determined that when I potted them up from the small newspaper pots to much larger and longer newspaper pots to combat the leggy stems I made a huge mistake. When planting them I noticed that most of them had not put on a single root from the stem and 99% of the root ball was still at the last 1.5 inches of the pots and very under developed. The scalloped squash and zukes that I started in a 128 cell plug tray and transplanted to 6 packs have fared much better since planting out. They have put on 2-4 inches in just 2 weeks and I expect them to explode in the next week.

The final mistake that sealed the yellow squash's fate was my back going out the week I was planning on planting them out. They were nice and green and looked very healthy. When my back went out and put me out of commission for 2 weeks they either became root bound or something else made them yellow and wilt a little. I believe that the person I had helping me water the greenhouse may have gave them a bit too much water. That combined with me watering them in very well everyday hoping to bring them back to heath was their death notice.

So I picked up a fresh pack of each seed type from the Ferry Morris display at Walmart and am going to start over today. I think I could have some in the ground by May 7th if they sprout and put on true leaves as fast as the scallops did.
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