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Old April 21, 2011   #13
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Nebraska
Posts: 48

Thought I would update this thread and again thank all of you for your input.

Moved out the tomato grow tray at about 50 percent germination and put a heat mat under them. Temps outside after that ranged from 29 to 72. Inside ranged anywhere from 44 to 119 (wow forgot to vent on one of those 72 degree days, you guys were not kidding how much heat can accumulate in there). All the other cells germinated (empty cells on pics linked were not planted) after being outside, including cells i seeded after placing out. I also planted flowers for the wife and those are loving life out in the greenhouse also.

I did turn on a little electrical heater on the 29 degree night, but not sure if that would raise the temprature to 45 degrees in the greenhouse. I'm assuming the concrete slab radiated heat from the day.

Going to transplant the tomatoes tonight or tommorow into 4" pots and my earth box. Will be interesting to see how much sooner the earth box produces before the in ground tomatoes. Next year I am definately going to start a month earlier in a few earth box's.

Now the questions

1) I am going to take the one earth box out of the greenhouse in may sometime. As hot as it got at 70 I imagine I would be a regular texas X 2 in there during the summer. Would it be better to start seedlings in july for crops to be grown out thru november or december, or should I just try to clone the existing plants that i start now?
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