Thread: False Economy!
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Old April 19, 2011   #62
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Jack, dang, come on rain! I'm so sorry, that is such a worry. Global warming - again, I'm not expert enough to know. But the winters sure haven't seemed as bad lately - this winter, I only had the snowplow guy come once. Not what I'm used to.

For all sorts of info on the tomatoe varieties, check out Tania's site:

These were developed all over - some here, some in Germany, Italy, all sorts of places. Some varieties are very old, culitivated by the Amish for example. Some have been developed more recently, many by members of this forum. So I guess some are American, some are not. Doesn't matter to me, there are wonderful things all over the world.

Now, if I get a good harvest, I just may have to mail you a sampling. You must become a convert! Haha.

Anyone here ever mailed tomatoes? How do you pack them?
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