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Old April 3, 2011   #45
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Location: Cheektowaga, NY
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Thank God my neighbor doesn't use herbicides, that would be an act of war. I have enough trouble with his hound dog that likes to dig holes under the fence.

That was very generous of the folks at Alpha Bio to upgrade the samples to full product. I had already bought some Tomato Thrive and Vegetable Thrive in mid-February to trial this season, so when I saw the free sample offer I chose Compost Thrive. I wanna see if it can accelerate the composting of all those shredded fall leaves and coffee grounds I have piled up in the back yard.

My Rosemary plants that I overwinter indoors took a real beating this year, they were looking like I felt over this particularly brutal cold winter. A lot of needle drop and dead looking branches. So when I got the Vegetable Thrive, I decided why not! I inoculated my Rosemary containers and added some diluted liquid fish/kelp and a bit of molasses to the water to give the beneficial bacteria some carbs to chew on.
About 3 weeks later I started to see some noticeable improvement, things were greening up and new growth was sprouting, even from branches I thought were dead. I did the same with my potted Thyme and now they are growing like crazy indoors.
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