Thread: False Economy!
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Old March 18, 2011   #12
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Woodville, Texas
Posts: 520

Originally Posted by dustdevil View Post
I've used Miracle Grow Potting Mix to start seeds with no problem. Getting the water regiment right is the tricky part for most mixes.
I have to resist the tendency to overwater, especially with the little peat pots. They dry out very quickly and do best if they're sitting in a tray with no drain holes, allowing a LITTLE BIT of water to stand in the bottom. Under ideal conditions, the plant gets just the right amount of water through osmosis. If too much water bulds-up in the tray, though, you're dead meat!

I used to use the APS (automatic propagation system) 40 cell seed starters -,default,sc.html, which also waters by osmosis, but automatically with no errors - perfect amount of moisture all the time!. This is the best system I found in 50 years of gardening - delivers just the right amount of moisture automatically with a water reservoir and a capillary mat. Always optimum moisture as long as there's water in the reservoir, and works with any kind of starter mix.

I still have 15 of those units from my home gardening days and would love to use them now - I miss them big time!. Problem is, they're just not applicable when you need to start plants by the thousands - and there's no efficient way to accelerate germination with bottom heat. The soil temp will always equal the ambient temp, which means using them inside the house, and that's not a viable situation for me anymore - too dirty! I have to work in a cool greenhouse now and use bottom heating mats.

But for many of y'all, with your heirlooms and many varieties, the APS system would be perfect - as long as you have a large light tray in a heated room. Buy one and try it - you'll love it! Five of them will fit on a 48" light tray shelf. You can drape plastic over the tray and the heat from the flourescent tubes will bring it up to 80 - tomatoes will germinate in a 72 degree room, but it takes longer (4 days at 85)

They used to be 5 bucks a unit - last ones I bought about five years ago were $15 each, but they last for years and years. I have some that are probably 20 years old and still good.

I have no financial interest in that company.

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