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Old July 14, 2006   #8
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: Palo Alto, CA
Posts: 107

I'm growing a few from your list in containers:
Box Car Willie
Kellogg's Breakfast
Marianna's Peace
Paul Robeson (last year)

Of them, Box Car Willie so far has been super-productive. I have two together in a half barrel (however many gallons that would be), and they're amazing so far, probably 40-50 green tomatoes on each plant. If it's even remotely tasty when it gets ripe, which from feedback it seems to be, I will definitely grow again in a container. Marianna's Peace is also doing very well; and KB as well. Carbon has been slow to fruit, but the plant itself is doing very well and has the thickest stem I've ever seen. I don't have black cherry, but my cherries (sungold and riesentraube), definitely need their own space, especially sungold, which is a good few feet over my head in its container vs the maybe a foot overhead for most of the others.

If you do put two in a container, make sure it's a really big container. I do see more disease problems with the two per half-barrel plants than the single plants (except that Boxcar Willie!) Paul Robeson last year was really really tasty, but did have some disease problems being with Black Prince, who was not nearly as tasty, and was one of the first to get pulled.
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