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Old March 3, 2011   #47
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: PNW
Posts: 4,743

I assume this means the mold is bad for the seeds?
It could be for the seedlings. I generally wet the coffee filters
or paper towels with the same hydrogen peroxide dilution
(10 parts water to 1 part 3% hydrogen peroxide) that I use
to discourage damping off in seed-starting cells. If seeds are
old enough that I think a 24 hour pre-soak in weak tea water
or very dilute nitrate fertilizer of some kind might help, I do
that first, but I still use the hydrogen peroxide solution to
moisten the paper towel or coffee filter before putting them
in the baggie. I leave the baggie sealed for the first 24 hours,
then open it, so some moisture can evaporate. (If the seeds
are really slow, that can require re-moistening it a time or two
before they sprout.)

It is about time for my annual retry with the Guido seeds. I have
this one small packet that I got in a trade. The first year, I just
put them in seed-starting cells along with almost everything else.
No sprouts. Last year I soaked 5 or so in water for 24 hours and
then into a paper towel in a baggie. After 6 weeks, no sprouts.
This year, I am going to try the weak tea water and then the

Last edited by dice; March 3, 2011 at 08:28 PM. Reason: sp
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