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Old March 2, 2011   #31
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Originally Posted by nangisha View Post
The size really matters I am from post office asking for my packet thats I buy from seed company and they told the seed still in mailing processing center, when i got there they told me to custom.

Custom said I need to go ask letter from Dept of Agriculture. So I spent 4 hours there and realize I will never get the seed without Vito sanitary, Letter of Agreement from Minister of agriculture and lab test, I had to fulfill it all 14 days which is impossible.

Its made me really disappointed to see thats 28 variety OP variety had to send back or they will destroy it. thinking the seed will burn and imagine what kind fruit its will produce really broken my heart so I decide to send it back. .

Like I said before I got seed from others member and its in small bubble envelope 5x7,5 inch and only hand write. I receive it safely. But today I see thats brown envelope with company logo in the corner and each seed packet individually its look really professional, the size twice the first one.

So sending seed to Indonesia without thats all requirement its consider smuggling except if we smart enough to decoy them.

Does any one has smart way to smuggling seed???? .
What can alert customs folks are any large mailers with a company logo on it. and they may hold that mailer asking for a phytosanitary certificate, not from you, but from the person or company that sent you the seeds.

Since you say that you've received seeds from others who use a smaller padded mailer I don't see the need to smuggle in seeds.

If you're dealing with individual persons such as here at Tville I can't see that they would be sending that many packets of seeds to you and those should fit in the small or large business envelopes I mentioned above, with padding, some use thin sheets of foam, I prefer just a napkin.

But if it's a seed company you're dealing with and they send you many packets of seeds with a logo on the outside, then there certainly can be problems. I know of no companies, other than the huge ones, that will provide phyto certificates b'c they're VERY expensive to obtain b/c it means testing the seeds before they're sent for any seed associated diseases, which takes a long time.

Many large tomato seed hybridizing companies from outside the US send bulk shipments here but they ALL have to have a phyto certificate. And it's the same with bulk shipments sent to Netherlands as I know well.

And I know it well b'c quite a few years ago Kees Sahin of Sahin Seeds in the Netherlands ordered hundreds of dollars of seed from TGS, they sent it, it was refused and returned to sender. THen Linda at TGS sent the seeds to me and I repacked them, which took lots of time, attached the customs label, and Kees told me to write on it seeds for research, I did, and they went fine. No logo anywhere. But you can't say seeds for research if it's not a large company, rather, an individual person, so I've been told.

I'd suggest folks sending you a few packs of seeds with few seeds in each pack taped to the inside of a typical greeting card, but since you say that you have gotten seeds from others I see no need for that.

It's company logos on the mailer or box that are the tipoff.
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