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Old February 27, 2011   #39
Posts: n/a

I may be wrong, but I think I read somewhere Gary Ibsen sold TomatoFest. I don't know if he is still involved in the company or not.

I had intended to test some of his seed last year, but it was such a lousy growing season none of my seed from any company performed well.

I ordered about thirty varieties a couple of weeks ago from three different vendors, Glecklers, TGS, and TomatoFest. My favorite is Glecklers. Their sales methods and delivery just seem more personal. I like the fact that their seed is shipped in small, transparent, glasene envelopes with a variety label on each. It is simply easy to look at each envelope and tell how much seed I have.

TGS has been a very consistent vendor for me. I've probably spent $75.00 on seed from them in the last few months. They simply seem reliable and honest. I have received a few varieties from TGS that didn't germinate on first attempt, but after using an enhanced germination technique on a second try, they did germinate.

While I have no concern about the quality of the TomatoFest products, I am really turned off by the hyperbole used to describe each variety. I get the feeling that each variety should have a flashing, neon light over the description. Every variety is the best, the earliest, the most tasty, the most beautiful, the most productive last year. It seems they have never sold seed for a spitter tomato and I know that isn't true.

I'm growing some "Gary Ibsen's Gold" this year because I received the seed as a bonus pack last year. I cringe a little when I tell people I am growing it and I may be reluctant to report on it later because the name seems a little over the top. I would be more comfortable with it if it was named simply Ibsens Gold or GI's Gold. You will not hear anything about it from me unless it is the best, the earliest, the largest, and the most productive in my garden.


Last edited by tedln; February 28, 2011 at 12:12 AM.
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