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Old February 26, 2011   #24
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Littlerock, CA
Posts: 218

Originally Posted by dice View Post
[potting up]

Some people use compost, some use soilless container
mix, some people use "the cheapest thing at the
store", some use well-tested professional nursery
mixes, etc. If there are any indoor growing and
hydroponic stores in easy driving range, they often
have "the good stuff" (for somewhat higher prices
than big box hardware stores, of course).

This page lists some respected brands of container
mix for starting seedlings and potting up before
transplanting (not that you will want to pay
shipping, of course, just what to look for):
Problem I'm seeing here, is I've not found those brands locally. Actually I did see 1 product from Premier at Lowes, sphagnum peat moss 2.2 cf $12.56.
Everything else even in potting mix was lots and lots of miracle grow, some Sta-green, some gardners(being the cheapest per unit, guessing it's junk) and 1 type and size of supersoil. Not seeing anything listed for seed starting but the small bags of jiffy starting mix, and miracle grow starting mix. Then there's potting soils, made for long term potting, like houseplants or patio plants. Problem I think is the nurseries downsized or closed, because everyone buys stuff cheaper at lowes/homedepot/walmart, and now all that's left is nurseries that basically have landscape plants, and the 3 big name stores. I'm not that far out, I'm considering local an area with 4 walmarts, 3 lowes and 3 home depots.
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