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Old February 24, 2011   #23
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: California Central Valley
Posts: 2,540

My favorite way to eat brussels sprouts is in winter soup. I use one or two kinds of dried beans, some grains (usually barley or rice), fill teh big pot to the halfway mark with water, bring it to a boil, then turn it down to a simmer. While it's simmering, I cut up at least 5 or 6 types of vegetables -- carrots, celery, onions, sweet potatoes, brussels sprouts cut in half, parsnips, beets, etc. -- and add them, enough to fill the pot. It lasts a few days, and I invariably pick out the brussels sprouts first if I'm looking for a snack. They're perfect, silky and with just the slightest edge of bitterness. I add extras each time, cumin or chili powder or curry or tomato paste or whatever, to make it a little different.

I've never seen the purple or red varieties at farmers' markets here, but it'd be fun to grow them!
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