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Old February 22, 2011   #3
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 11

BW, I'm in Austin too and have seen the s/f mix...but never used it. I've also never used an Earthtainer (but hope to some day!) From the looks, I'm guessing it would have too much compost for the container and would break down too quickly and inhibit proper aeration. And because, as tha Earthtainer man himself mentioned, aeration and water movement are critical for SWCs and containers in general. But that's just me, and I'm no expert. I'm using a compost-less mix for my containers to help with aeration and drainage. But again, I'm not using an Earthtainer.

Especially for 5-gallon containers, depending on what you're planting in them, I would not at all recommend such a compost-heavy mix because you need all the aeration and drainage you can get in a bucket that small...(at least way too small for indeterminate toms, which I'm growing). Th s/f mix seems intended for in-ground or raised beds around here, which offer plenty room for drainage, which is not at all the case with containers.
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