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Old February 22, 2011   #10
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 2,591

Here is a page on my web site with a simple germination set-up.

It's in an un-used upstairs bedroom that is naturally a bit warmer than the rest of the house. But I mainly use a small utility heater to keep the temp up around 90-100 for peppers and 80-90 for tomatoes. By wrapping it with the plastic it keeps the heat mainly right there around the shelf.

I had a customer, that found that page, email me that he had used the info for a set-up similar and was amazed how quickly his plants germinated.

BTW, you aren't all that far south of me. Unless you plan to plant way before Memorial Day, I would wait at til at least mid March on those tomatoes. Otherwise you will have leggy monster plants that will be root-bound unless you have the room to put them in rather large pots.

I usually start the first 1/2 of March, but I have to have plants ready for the market by the beginning of May.

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