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Old February 12, 2011   #32
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Woodville, Texas
Posts: 520

I just checked the price of conduit - costs as much as t-posts - 3/4" runs a buck a foot. When you add another $1.50 for 5' of 1/2 rebar, it cost MORE than a 6' t-post.

How about cutting-back the planting to a more realistic number? If you do it right you can get 20# off a healthy plant (we get 10# off a determinate). 20 X 1000 plants - ten tons! At $3.00/lb average = sixty grand gross. Well, I guess that ain't much in NYC, where a crummy hamburger costs 10 bucks when we visited there as tourists years ago. LOL

BTW, how do you plan to fertilize? You can't use relatively cheap synthetics like we do, and making that much compost would be more than a full time job requiring a big loader, a dump truck and some good friends in the poultry business. Most likely, you'll have to use a commercial compost contractor to deliver and spread - and we're talking major tonnage here. Or, you can buy a truckload of 55 gal drums of 4% fish emulsion, like my organic friend in Houston does, for 1200 bucks a pop plus freight. Add another 4 figures for Neem oil and copper hydroxide.

Are you sure you want to do this? Better hang-on to your day job for awhile. LOL You will also be at the at the mercy of critters, bugs and microorganisms of all kinds, with major bucks invested. You got more guts than I ever did! LOL

But I'm a grumpy, pessimistic old man. Jack

Last edited by JackE; February 12, 2011 at 07:01 AM.
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