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Old February 11, 2011   #27
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: field of dreams
Posts: 97


I made a t-post puller out of a 8foot section of 2inch pipe with an Ibolt put through one end. Attach a section of strong enough chain to the threaded end of Ibolt and wrap around the T-post and hook other end over the Ibolt. Use a jackstand (like you put under a car for safety) as a fulcrum. Most post come out with one try with a minimum of effort because of the length of the pipe. Because you are pulling straight up, post are not bent or damaged. Works great for me but I only use about 75 post every year.

That's a great idea - thanks!!

Oh, & please don't get the idea I cater to the rich - or that anyone who is organically growing on LI is doing that necessarily. Farming is gosh darnoodley hard and no one I know is rich yet. lol.

I believe in food justice and am involved in getting organic produce to the lower income folks/EBT/WIC etc.

Good food shouldn't be just for the wealthy - it should be afford for everyone.

BTW, the worth of land is not necessarily quanitifiable in $$ terms. There's alot of land preservation to stop strip mall developers. That's a whole 'nother story.
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