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Old February 10, 2011   #17
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: field of dreams
Posts: 97

Jack, the reason for the PM was not to hijack the thread but it looks like the deed has been done - so my apologies to the OP.

The assumption we both grow bush determinates is premature - I grow indeterminate heirlooms that routinely get over 6 feet or so - rebar has been pretty useless - I've tried - I could post pics of my rows with the wood vs t-bar - nothing compares to t-bar so far that I've found - but I still go with wood -

& thanks so much RinTinTin, for the suggestion of linseed oil. I've never tried it and have to check with the OMRI standards but will do just that. Many thanks.

My problem with wood is that it just isn't sturdy enough for my tastes but I make do every year. LOL. The t-bar so far even in enormous quantity is too expensive.
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