Thread: Ironite
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Old February 1, 2011   #5
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Originally Posted by Heidelberg View Post
OK that sounds good. I have potted plants and I have kinda been experimenting with my own soils. I have been using silica and limestone sand or decomposed granite for mineral content on my newest plants. They don't seem to have the same issues. There was really no mineral base in the soil for the tomato plant in question and its doing the worst (although better since the ironite). I have some understanding of the benefits of Humic acid. I have not heard of Fulvic acid. Greensand seems interesting. I have used the ironite in small amounts already and don't plan to throw everything out the window but I will not use it again. Any ideas where I can purchase these acids or the greensand? I have seen greensand in the pet store as a reptile substrate but it is awfully expensive there.
Unless you are buying in bulk the cheapest places are ebay and amazon. Just do a search for it. I get mine in powered form and just mix it with water. A little goes a long way. one teaspoon will treat 2 gallons. The water will look like compost tea when mixed.
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