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Old January 17, 2011   #12
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Woodville, Texas
Posts: 520

Rin Tin --

That's one I've never heard of and I'm sure open minded on it. But how do you apply it?
Aphids are especially bad on peppers. We plant 12 -100' rows of bell peppers - about 600 large, bushy plants, and we have to get thorough coverage on the bottom side of all the leaves - tall order with a dry, dust-type product. It would all have to all be done by hand - couldn't use the sprayer. It would take a lot of ashes too - ours are real light and powdery with chunks of charcoal and unburned wood. Application would be the problem for us.

I've tried various dust-type pesticides over the years, not only Sevin but Rotenone, Dipel BT, diatamaceous clay, crushed tobacco leaves and other organic solutions as well, and bought all sorts of devices to blow it, brush it or somehow dust in on -panty hose, paint brushes, shaker cans etc etc. but I haven't found a tool that works. Some of those crank-type and plunger dusters are a killer - 30 minutes and it feels like your arm is falling off!

Instead of Dipel dust bt we use Thuricide spray bt which is more costly but MUCH easier to apply.


Last edited by JackE; January 17, 2011 at 08:22 AM.
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