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Old January 11, 2011   #1
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: near Houston Texas, zone 8b/9a
Posts: 114
Default Any comments on growing Asparagus?

I have no experience whatsoever with asparagus (other than eating it).

I love the stuff, but never grew it, but recently I saw in a local store some bags of asparagus crowns. I got two packs of 8 crowns. I can go back and get more if needed. I have a total of 16 crowns.

Here is what I was planning... I was going to make a bed in a large container and load it up with good soil...and then plant the crowns in there.

Now here's the rub. I gather a 'crown' is a ball of roots?

Is 16 crowns enough? How much asparagus can one get from each crown in an average harvest?

Does anyone have any tips at all for what I am doing? How big of a container do I need for 16 crowns?

On a side note, if I ever want good quality mushroom compost dirt, they sell it by the truckload less than 1/2 an hour away. I can fill my whole bed with it if needed.
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