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Old December 6, 2010   #2
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Unless they've been sprayed with a product to prevent sprouting, you should be able to grow plants from them. I have saved smallish potatoes for planting whole the following year and had good luck with the 'crisper drawer technique', but I used baggies with a sheet of paper towel inside. I didn't seal the baggie, so they got some air, but you need to keep the humidity in a bit so they don't shrivel up. I checked from time to time to make sure they were ok and to adjust the humidity up or down, and when it was close to planting time, I would take any that hadn't sprouted out and kept them at room temp. to presprout.

About the cutting, it depends on the size of the tater. I'm not that experienced with growing fingerlings, but I think the "at least two eyes per piece" still applies.

I am not an expert, so this is just my experience. It's great that you found some winners to look forward to trying! Hope they do well for you.
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