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Old November 1, 2010   #5
lowlylowlycook's Avatar
Join Date: May 2010
Location: So. Illinois (6a)
Posts: 147

Well it's things like this make me think that there is no problem where I live:

Water spinach was placed on this list because it can become an established weed in waterways. Since water spinach is extremely frost sensitive, it has only become an invasive species in Southern states.

As far as I can tell,
  1. It would be a huge pain to buy seeds legally in the US (unless you are in Mass).
  2. I could start from fresh plants bought at an Asian market.
  3. In the States where it is causing problems, the people that want it, find the seeds and grow it anyhow.
I'm not exactly dying to grow it so maybe I'll put it on the back burner for now.
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