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Old October 1, 2010   #4
Posts: n/a

I am so glad to hear about that Nolo bait for next year. The grasshoppers started popping out of the ground shortly after I planted my spring garden. The early high heat pretty much stopped my tomatoes from producing so it didn't bother me much to see the little hoppers munching on my tomato plants. They did wipe out my chard by munching it as soon as it germinated and they damaged a lot of my other veggies.

As the summer wore on and got hotter, the hoppers seemed to love it. I had to start thinking about wearing goggles when I went to my garden in case one of the really big ones flew up and hit me in the eye. Those things got so big, I thought about buying a saddle and just riding them.

I think we had one of those plague years for grasshoppers. Supposedly the natural cycle for hoppers is a plague year every six or seven years. I sure hope that is right. I don't want to watch them devour my garden next year. I might have to look into pricing for that Nola by the ton.

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