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Old August 29, 2010   #53
Buffalo-Niagara Tomato TasteFest™ Coordinator
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Originally Posted by Tania View Post

I am very sorry I may have over-reacted on your original post here (I think I did over-react, given my emotional state at that time), and I would like to officially apologize to you.

Remy has a really nice way of writing and putting things into a right perspective, and I truly admire her for that. I was steaming over the fact that someone stole her pictures that she worked so hard on, and she has the most competitive seed prices in the world, and her Seed Shop is her true passion, not a 'make-a-profit' thing! She has a way of making people happy, and it is so great to watch that in action

You are much too kind.

Originally Posted by original View Post
Thanks very much for the affirming words Remy. I look forward to purchasing from you and Tatiana. You both seem like great people to do business with.

I have another suggestion about photos. I use Paint Shop Pro for photo editing and I was playing around with it last night and might have found a way to keep this from happening again. You can add a WATERMARK to your pictures. It's really easy and doesn't take long to do. In Paint Shop you just load an image. Then from the top menu you select 'image' and a drop down will appear and you simply select 'watermarking'. You can use your company logo as a watermark or create a text watermark. You can also adjust the transparency. Once you get used to the process it only takes a minute to watermark a photo. The most effective watermarks are the ones that are slightly transparent and have your website address as the overlay image. Let me know if I can help in any way. Thanks.
Thank you. I'll have to check out the paint shop pro. Neither of my photo editing programs on my computer can do that.
"I wake to sleep and take my waking slow"
-Theodore Roethke

Yes, we have a great party for WNY/Ontario tomato growers every year on Grand Island!
Owner of The Sample Seed Shop
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